The firmware is the code that lives on your device. This process shouldn't take too long. If you find it frustrating and would rather we do it for you let us know at by emailing us. We will send you a self addressed envelope and we will do your device update and get it back to you ASAP.
Please complete the instructions for installing the Arduino IDE, then add the Jewelbots boards. Next, do the below:To find out how, go to Set Up > Add Boards on the left side menu of this Getting Started page!
It will most likely appear at the bottom of the menu of Boards.
says “The USB ports in the images are examples only, yours might differ. On Windows it will say COM followed by a number. On Mac it will say cu.usbserial- then a series of letters and numbers. On Linux it will say ttyUSB and a number.
a. Windows: Select the correct COM XX port
b. Mac: Select the correct /dev/cu.usbserial-XXXXXX
c. Linux: Select the correct /dev/ttyUSBX.
To know how to create a new sketch go to Coding > Upload a Sketch on the left side menu of this Getting Started page!
Note that the charging light (red or green) will turn off. Also, remember it's 2 full seconds (1 mississippi...). Either the charging light will go out (if you did not update your firmware yet) or your device will flash purple and then fade to indicate that coding mode is activated (if you updated your firmware).
The Jewelbot will reboot and display the rainbow animation.
Note: For Mac OS users, it will say “failed to execute script --main--”. Ignore that.
If you wish to update your firmware AGAIN, there is one extra step!
It is important to update firmware. This ensures that any changes we make to the Jewelbot library are added to your Jewelbot!
Updating your Firmware again after the first time is slightly different from the original steps you followed from the first time. Look how to do it here.
1. From the Tools menu, scroll over "Board:" and then select "Boards Manager".
2. Type in "j" in the "Filter your search" box to quickly find the Jewelbots Boards.
3. Click anywhere in the box for "Firmware Update" to display the "Update" button.
4. Click the "Update" button to update the board to the most recent version.
You will have to do this every time you want to update your Firmware again. It is super important to update your Arduino Library! It makes sure you have the most recent features available!
To keep updated with news about Firmware Updates, follow us on Twitter or join our community forums!