Booleans are values that are either TRUE or FALSE. Imagine I had a function called "is_a_primary_color(name)" in which I pass in the name of a color and the function tells me if it's a primary color with a Boolean. If I passed the color "yellow" into that function I would get back "TRUE", if I passed in the color "pink" I would get back "false".
This just refers to errors in your program. This term was created by programming pioneer Grace Hopper when a moth flew into her computer causing it to stop working!
To compile your code means your code is being translated into a way the computer can understand and use. When you hit the "compile button", the IDE will also check for any bugs in your program as well.
A particular kind of data that is defined by the types of values it can take.
For instance, the int data type can only accept numerical values. If you were to program int x = "hello", an error would occur because that is invalid.
This is referring to the process of solving the bugs (errors) in your program until they're all fixed!
It is a body of code. For instance, the setup() or loop() operations are functions.
When programming in the Arduino IDE, "#include" is how you include libraries into your program.
IDE stands for integrated development environment. This is basically referring to the software application you are using to program on. The Arduino program is the Arduino IDE.
This the name of variables that are numbers. It stands for "integer". int data types must always be programmed with lower case "i". Programming is case sensitive.
This is the process of declaring an initial value to a variable.
For instance, when you type "int x = 2", you are initializing the value of x to equal the value of 2.
A library is a way to package existing code into a single file that can be easily included to your program, where you can borrow its methods, variables, and other components.
This is the name of variables that are not numbers or strings, but "things" that are pre-programmed into your library to represent an "object" you are familiar with into something the computer can understand.
For instance, the LED is an object that represents the lights on the Jewelbot, which is an object you perceive, but the computer might not depending what library you use.
A factor value that is required for an operation or method to be put into action.
A Number or String address on your board. It's like the name of a location on your board.
The area that you are coding on. It's sort of like a document.
"I have to start a new document for this homework" is just like "I have to start a new sketch for this program".
This is the name of variables that are words or letter values. "String" data types must always be programmed with a capital "S". Programming is case sensitive.
When you upload code, you are uploading the code from your computer to your coded device, such as a Jewelbot.
The word "void" before every function is to declare it as a function that runs code normally, but does not produce some form of an output or result for the user.
Variables contain a data value that is remembered by the program. These values can either be strings, integers, or objects.